Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Are you ready to FIX it???

Are you ready for the FIX? 21 days of portion control and workouts. You choose your foods, fit them into the cute containers and voila....success!!!! 

Groups are fun, exciting and this program is seriously what so many have been waiting for! Don't miss your chance to get it at the low intro price THIS MONTH!!! The program is only $10 when you purchase Shakeology!!!! Seriously! And Shakeology is factored into the program!21 days could change your life! Message me if you have questions or click the link to go ahead and order yours today!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

It's Giveaway Time

It's Giveaway Time

To celebrate having over 6000 fans on my Facebook page, FitKeri, I am giving away one of my favorite exercise dvds, T25 Core Speed!

Add this to your current workout and you will have abs in no time! I am also throwing in some samples of Shakeology, Results & Recovery and Energy & Endurance. This is just in time for Valentine's Day!!!

Contest begins today thru Feb 16th. Not open to current coaches or their customers.

Enter to Win

Monday, February 3, 2014

21-Day Fix

This is officially available TODAY! RIGHT NOW!!! 

I am so ready to get my nutrition and overeating back in check and I know the 21-Day Fix is going to help me do just that. If you are interested in joining the Test Group Challenge Group PM ME TODAY, if you are interested in how to take advantage of this promotional price ... or if you just have questions ... I am happy to help! 

If you are like me and are ready to commit, go ahead and go on over and click on SHOP + CHALLENGE PACKS and it is the very first one on the screen. I'm SO READY - How about you???

I can't wait to share my results with my fitness community. This program is a game changer!!!

Monday, January 27, 2014

New Fiber ONE meal bars

I am kind of addicted to bars - granola, protein, meal replacement - it doesn't matter the kind, I love them and need them to survive! Ha! As a busy mom, it's imperative that I have quick and easy snacks available for when hunger strikes -- which is often! 

As a BzzAgent, I had the opportunity to try out the new Fiber One Meal Replacement bars from General Mills. I was actually shocked when I opened the box and found two boxes of the bars. One being the strawberry yogurt and other being chocolate peanut butter. So in all, 10 FREE bars - yes and thanks! Who doesn't like free food? I tried the strawberry yogurt one first. It has nice bite to it with roasted almonds, strawberry flavored fruit pieces, and Greek yogurt flavored coating you can see and taste. Each bar has 10g of protein and 9g of Fiber which is great! The taste did seem a little chalky to me, but the flavor was very good. It also has 9g of Sugar which does seem a little high. I was hoping it would be less than 5g, but compared to other meal replacement bars with similar flavor, it does have a lot less. There are 170 calories per bar as well which by itself really shouldn't be considered a meal replacement, but if you added a piece of fruit or some veggies, it would suffice. I ate it alone, with just some water, and I was hungry about 2 hours later. 

With all that being said, I will definitely keep these bars in my rotation of healthy snacks. The ingredients were much better than a lot of other bars I have tried in the past and the flavor was great! 

Learn more at

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Simple Truth Products

 I am LOVING Kroger's new line, Simple Truth. These items are "Free From 101" artificial ingredients and preservatives and are either all natural and/or organic. The have items available in almost every aisle throughout the store with simple, clean packaging that is easy to read.

So far, I have tried the Fat Free Milk, Almond Milk, Eggs, Veggie Sticks & Chips, Frozen Strawberries & Corn, Canned Chick Peas & Northern Beans, Cucumber Melon Natural Soda, Tomato Basil Pasta Sauce and Peanut Butter Extreme Protein Bar. I was happy with each of these products and will continue to purchase these and try out others! 

I love being able to walk into a store like Kroger knowing that I can get great customer service along with a abundant, affordable & healthy product line.